List of Needed Items
(Items in BOLD are priority items)
Most needed:
Cereal, Hearty Soups, Cooking Oil
Non-Perishable Food Items:
o Canned Meat
o Canned Fruit
o Canned Tuna, Chicken
o Canned Beans, any kind
o Coffee
o Dried Beans
o Canned Corn and other Veggies
o Brown Rice
o Canned Soups
o Ready-to-Cook Rice or Couscous
o Long Grain White Rice
o Canned 'Tomatoes
o Pasta Sauce
o Fruit Cocktail
o Side Dishes
o Soy Milk
o Canned Milk
o Durable 'Milk, Dehydrated Milk
o Texturized Vegetable Protein
o Pasta, Dried Mashed Potatoes
o Hamburger Helper. Rice-a- Roni, etc.
o Salad Dressing
o Macaroni & Cheese
Especially for the Homeless:
o Sleeves of Crackers
o Vienna Sausages
o Small Pork and Beans
o Small Tuna, Chicken
o Fruit or Applesauce Cups
o Pop Tarts, Snack Bars
o Peanut Butter
o Cheese Crackers
Especial/for the Seniors:
o Dried Fruits
o Ready-made Jell-O & Pudding
o Ensure Protein Drinks
o Low-sodium Pull-tab Soups
o Low-sodium Single- Serving Meals (Non-Frozen)
o Low-sodium Crackers
o Green Tea (Regular and Decaf)
o Canned Vegetables
o Hard Candies, Chocolate
Non Food Items:
o Diapers (Baby & Adult)
o Baby Food
o Toilet Paper
o Toothpaste
o Toothbrushes
o Soap
o Paper Towels
Items in BOLD are priority items
Thank you for your Support and Heart to help!
Clay & Kathie - (561) 600-7117